Celebrating 53 years as an Independent Insurance Broker, 1972 – 2025

Rebuild Cost Assessment

Rebuild Cost Assessment

Afforable and professional insurance valuations

Buildings should always be insured for the amount it would cost to rebuild them. However, fewer than 1 in 10 household and commercial properties in the UK are covered correctly.

If you are over-insured, you are probably paying too much for your buildings insurance. If you are under-insured, you face a reduced payout in the event of a claim. Insurance claims can be reduced by hundreds of thousands of pounds due to under-insurance.

Getting someone to visit your property to carry out a professional assessment can be time-consuming and very expensive. However, thanks to our partnership with RebuildCostASSESSMENT.com, we can offer you a reliable low-cost service from a 'Regulated by RICS' (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveryors) organisation.
This is a fantastic and afforable online service which can protect you or your organisation from the potentially severe consequences of underinsurance.

Cost: £167.75 including VAT and fees.

You'll receive a comprehensive Rebuild Cost Assessment (RCA) report guiding you on how much you should insure your buildings for. 

If you'd like to take advantage of this opportunity, email us at enquiries@bridges.insure or phone us on 01843 293614.

Want to find out more?

Get in touch with us - we would love to hear from you, whether you wish to discuss your requirements, ask for advice or get a quote today.

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